Beware of the dogs!


No trespassing...


I always cringe when I see that warning sign. There is something that sends chills up my body when it comes to bad dogs. Growing up, I use to ride my bicycle down Park Drive with all my neighborhood friends. However, there was a German Shepherd, Rinny, who lived on Park Hill. He would chase you with the intent to kill – if you encountered him, you would have to raise your legs up and hoped you had enough speed to coast the way home! Flaca and Sky were actually just playing when I snapped these this morning. I told Leicalady we ought to post these on our front gate to keep unwanteds away…



We're just horsin' around...



Best friends!







~ by leicaman on February 6, 2011.

3 Responses to “Beware of the dogs!”

  1. If they’re just playing i wouldn’t want to see them get mad 🙂

  2. I second Julie’s comment 🙂
    Really cool (but kind of scary) action shots!

  3. If you knew these pups you would know how harmless they are…that is why these photos are so out of character…they will both smother you with licks and kisses! Thanks for the visit…

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